‪GamecraftModdingAPI  ‪v1.8.0
‪The unofficial Gamecraft modding API
GamecraftModdingAPI.Input.FakeInput Class Reference

Static Public Member Functions

static void ActionInput (uint playerID=uint.MaxValue, bool toggleMode=false, bool forward=false, bool backward=false, bool up=false, bool down=false, bool left=false, bool right=false, bool sprint=false, bool toggleFly=false, bool alt=false, bool primary=false, bool secondary=false, bool tertiary=false, bool primaryHeld=false, bool secondaryHeld=false, bool toggleUnitGrid=false, bool ctrl=false, bool toggleColourMode=false, bool scaleBlockUp=false, bool scaleBlockDown=false, bool rotateBlockClockwise=false, bool rotateBlockCounterclockwise=false, bool cutSelection=false, bool copySelection=false, bool deleteSelection=false)
static void CustomInput (LocalInputEntityStruct input)
 ‪Customize the local input. More...
static void CustomPlayerInput (LocalPlayerInputEntityStruct input, uint playerID=uint.MaxValue)
 ‪Customize the player input. More...
static LocalInputEntityStruct GetInput ()
static LocalPlayerInputEntityStruct GetPlayerInput (uint playerID=uint.MaxValue)
static void GuiInput (uint playerID=uint.MaxValue, int hotbar=-1, bool escape=false, bool enter=false, bool debug=false, bool next=false, bool previous=false, bool tab=false, int hotbarPage=-1, bool quickSave=false, bool paste=false)
 ‪Fake a GUI input. Omit any parameter you do not want to affect. Parameters that end with "?" don't do anything... yet. More...
static void Init ()

Member Function Documentation

◆ ActionInput()

static void GamecraftModdingAPI.Input.FakeInput.ActionInput ( uint  playerID = uint.MaxValue,
bool  toggleMode = false,
bool  forward = false,
bool  backward = false,
bool  up = false,
bool  down = false,
bool  left = false,
bool  right = false,
bool  sprint = false,
bool  toggleFly = false,
bool  alt = false,
bool  primary = false,
bool  secondary = false,
bool  tertiary = false,
bool  primaryHeld = false,
bool  secondaryHeld = false,
bool  toggleUnitGrid = false,
bool  ctrl = false,
bool  toggleColourMode = false,
bool  scaleBlockUp = false,
bool  scaleBlockDown = false,
bool  rotateBlockClockwise = false,
bool  rotateBlockCounterclockwise = false,
bool  cutSelection = false,
bool  copySelection = false,
bool  deleteSelection = false 

◆ CustomInput()

static void GamecraftModdingAPI.Input.FakeInput.CustomInput ( LocalInputEntityStruct  input)

‪Customize the local input.

input‪The custom input.

◆ CustomPlayerInput()

static void GamecraftModdingAPI.Input.FakeInput.CustomPlayerInput ( LocalPlayerInputEntityStruct  input,
uint  playerID = uint.MaxValue 

‪Customize the player input.

input‪The custom input.
playerID‪The player. Omit this to use the local player.

◆ GetInput()

static LocalInputEntityStruct GamecraftModdingAPI.Input.FakeInput.GetInput ( )

◆ GetPlayerInput()

static LocalPlayerInputEntityStruct GamecraftModdingAPI.Input.FakeInput.GetPlayerInput ( uint  playerID = uint.MaxValue)

◆ GuiInput()

static void GamecraftModdingAPI.Input.FakeInput.GuiInput ( uint  playerID = uint.MaxValue,
int  hotbar = -1,
bool  escape = false,
bool  enter = false,
bool  debug = false,
bool  next = false,
bool  previous = false,
bool  tab = false,
int  hotbarPage = -1,
bool  quickSave = false,
bool  paste = false 

‪Fake a GUI input. Omit any parameter you do not want to affect. Parameters that end with "?" don't do anything... yet.

playerID‪The player. Omit this to use the local player.
hotbar‪Select the hotbar slot by number.
commandLine‪Toggle the command line?
escape‪Open escape menu?
enter‪Page return?
debug‪Toggle debug display?
next‪Select next?
previous‪Select previous?
colour‪Toggle to hotbar colour mode?
hotbarPage‪Select the hotbar page by number?

◆ Init()

static void GamecraftModdingAPI.Input.FakeInput.Init ( )

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