CTechbloxModdingAPI.App.AntiAntiCheatPatch | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Utility.ApiExclusiveGroups | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Tests.Assert | API test system assertion utilities |
►CAttribute | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Tests.APITestCaseAttribute | API Test Case attribute. Static methods with this attribute will be called when the API test system is running |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Tests.APITestClassAttribute | API Test Class attribute. Classes without this attribute will be ignored when searching for test cases |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Tests.APITestStartUpAttribute | API Test StartUp attribute. Static methods with this attribute will be called before any test case is run by the API test system |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Tests.APITestTearDownAttribute | API Test TearDown attribute. Static methods with this attribute will be called after all API test system test cases have completed (failed or succeeded) |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Tests.TestValueAttribute | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Utility.Audio | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Utility.AudioTools | Common operations on audio objects |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Blocks.BlockColor | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Blocks.Engines.BlockPlacedRemovedEventArgs | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.App.Client | The Techblox application that is running this code right now |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Commands.CommandBuilder | Custom Command builder |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Commands.CustomCommands.CommandData | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Commands.CommandEngineFactory | UNIMPLEMENTED! Convenient factories for command engines |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Commands.CommandManager | Keeps track of custom commands This is used to add, remove and get command engines |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Commands.CommandRegistrationHelper | Convenient methods for registering commands to Techblox. All methods register to the command line and console block by default |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Interface.IMGUI.Constants | Convenient IMGUI values |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Commands.CustomCommands | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Utility.Dependency | Simple plugin interaction operations |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Persistence.DeserializeFromDiskEntitiesEnginePatch | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.EcsObjectBase.EcsInitData | Holds information needed to construct a component initializer |
►CTechbloxModdingAPI.EcsObjectBase | |
►CTechbloxModdingAPI.Block | A single (perhaps scaled) block. Properties may return default values if the block is removed and then setting them is ignored. For specific block type operations, use the specialised block classes in the TechbloxModdingAPI.Blocks namespace |
►CTechbloxModdingAPI.Blocks.SignalingBlock | Common implementation for blocks that support wiring |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Blocks.DampedSpring | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Blocks.Engine | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Blocks.LogicGate | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Blocks.Motor | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Blocks.ObjectID | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Blocks.Piston | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Blocks.Seat | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Blocks.Servo | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Blocks.WheelRig | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.BlockGroup | A group of blocks that can be selected together. The placed version of blueprints. Dispose after usage |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Blocks.Wire | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Cluster | Represnts a cluster of blocks in time running mode, meaning blocks that are connected either directly or via joints. Only exists if a cluster destruction manager is present. Static blocks like grass and dirt aren't part of a cluster |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Player | An in-game player character. Any Leo you see is a player |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.SimBody | A rigid body (like a chunk of connected blocks) during simulation |
►CException | |
►CTechbloxModdingAPI.TechbloxModdingAPIException | |
►CTechbloxModdingAPI.App.AppException | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.App.AppStateException | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.App.GameNotFoundException | |
►CTechbloxModdingAPI.Blocks.BlockException | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Blocks.BlockSpecializationException | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Blocks.BlockTypeException | |
►CTechbloxModdingAPI.Blocks.WiringException | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Blocks.WireInvalidException | |
►CTechbloxModdingAPI.Commands.CommandException | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Commands.CommandAlreadyBuiltException | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Commands.CommandAlreadyExistsException | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Commands.CommandNotFoundException | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Commands.CommandParameterMissingException | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Commands.CommandRuntimeException | |
►CTechbloxModdingAPI.Events.EventException | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Events.EventRuntimeException | |
►CTechbloxModdingAPI.Players.PlayerException | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Players.PlayerNotFoundException | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Commands.ExistingCommands | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Input.FakeInput | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Input.FakeInputPatch | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Engines.FullGameCreatedEnginePatch | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Utility.FullGameFields | Public access to the private variables in RobocraftX.FullGameCompositionRoot |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.App.Game | An in-game save. This can be a menu item for a local save or the currently loaded save. Support for Steam Workshop coming soon (hopefully) |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Utility.GameEngineManager | Keeps track of custom game-modifying engines |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.App.GameEventArgs | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Engines.GameLoadedTimeRunningEnginePatch | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Engines.GameLoadedTimeStoppedEnginePatch | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Engines.GameReloadedPatch | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Utility.GameState | Utility to get the state of the current Techblox game |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Engines.GameSwitchedToPatch | |
►CGenericEntityDescriptor | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.App.MyGameDataEntityDescriptor_DamnItFJWhyDidYouMakeThisInternal | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Inventory.HotbarSlotSelectionHandlerEnginePatch | |
►CICollection | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.BlockGroup | A group of blocks that can be selected together. The placed version of blueprints. Dispose after usage |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Utility.WeakDictionary< TKey, TValue >.KeyCollection | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Utility.WeakDictionary< TKey, TValue >.ValueCollection | |
►CIDeserializationFactory | |
►CTechbloxModdingAPI.Persistence.IEntitySerializer | Entity serializer and deserializer interface for storing and retrieving data in a Techblox save file (GameSave.GC) |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Persistence.SimpleEntitySerializer< Descriptor > | Simple entity serializer sufficient for simple entity components |
►CIDictionary | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Utility.WeakDictionary< TKey, TValue > | |
►CIDisposable | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.BlockGroup | A group of blocks that can be selected together. The placed version of blueprints. Dispose after usage |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Blueprint | Represents a blueprint in the inventory. When placed it becomes a block group |
►CTechbloxModdingAPI.Engines.IApiEngine | Base engine interface used by all TechbloxModdingAPI engines |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.App.GameBuildSimEventEngine | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.App.GameGameEngine | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Blocks.Engines.BlockCloneEngine | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Blocks.Engines.BlockEngine | Engine for executing general block actions |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Blocks.Engines.MovementEngine | Engine which executes block movement actions |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Blocks.Engines.PlacementEngine | Engine which executes block placement actions |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Blocks.Engines.RemovalEngine | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Blocks.Engines.RotationEngine | Engine which executes block movement actions |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Blocks.Engines.ScalingEngine | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Blocks.Engines.SignalEngine | Engine which executes signal actions |
►CTechbloxModdingAPI.Commands.ICustomCommandEngine | Engine interface to handle command operations. If you are using implementing this yourself, you must manually register the command. See SimpleCustomCommandEngine's Ready() and Dispose() methods for an example of command registration |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Commands.SimpleCustomCommandEngine< A, B, C > | A simple implementation of ICustomCommandEngine sufficient for most commands. This version is for commands which take 3 argument(s) |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Commands.SimpleCustomCommandEngine< A, B, C > | A simple implementation of ICustomCommandEngine sufficient for most commands. This version is for commands which take 3 argument(s) |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Commands.SimpleCustomCommandEngine< A, B, C > | A simple implementation of ICustomCommandEngine sufficient for most commands. This version is for commands which take 3 argument(s) |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Commands.SimpleCustomCommandEngine< A, B, C > | A simple implementation of ICustomCommandEngine sufficient for most commands. This version is for commands which take 3 argument(s) |
►CTechbloxModdingAPI.Engines.IFactoryEngine | Engine interface to create a ModEventEntityStruct in entitiesDB when Emit() is called |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.App.GameMenuEngine | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Blocks.Engines.BlueprintEngine | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Blocks.Engines.SignalEngine | Engine which executes signal actions |
►CTechbloxModdingAPI.Engines.IFunEngine | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Players.PlayerEngine | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Engines.IReactionaryEngine< T > | Engine interface to handle ModEventEntityStruct events emitted by IEventEmitterEngines |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Input.FakeInputEngine | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Players.PlayerEventsEngine | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Utility.DebugInterfaceEngine | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Utility.GameStateEngine | |
►CIEngine | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Engines.IApiEngine | Base engine interface used by all TechbloxModdingAPI engines |
►CIEquatable | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Block | A single (perhaps scaled) block. Properties may return default values if the block is removed and then setting them is ignored. For specific block type operations, use the specialised block classes in the TechbloxModdingAPI.Blocks namespace |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Block | A single (perhaps scaled) block. Properties may return default values if the block is removed and then setting them is ignored. For specific block type operations, use the specialised block classes in the TechbloxModdingAPI.Blocks namespace |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Player | An in-game player character. Any Leo you see is a player |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Player | An in-game player character. Any Leo you see is a player |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.SimBody | A rigid body (like a chunk of connected blocks) during simulation |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.SimBody | A rigid body (like a chunk of connected blocks) during simulation |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Interface.IMGUI.IMGUIManager | Keeps track of UIElement instances. This also handles displaying and processing them during the MonoBehaviour.OnGUI phase of screen updates. Most of this functionality is handled implicitly by the included UIElement implementations, but this is left as a public API so it can be expanded |
►CIQueryingEntitiesEngine | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Engines.IApiEngine | Base engine interface used by all TechbloxModdingAPI engines |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Persistence.IEntitySerializer | Entity serializer and deserializer interface for storing and retrieving data in a Techblox save file (GameSave.GC) |
►CTechbloxModdingAPI.Engines.IReactionaryEngine< BlockTagEntityStruct > | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Blocks.Engines.BlockEventsEngine | |
►CIReactOnAddAndRemove | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.App.GameGameEngine | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Engines.IReactionaryEngine< T > | Engine interface to handle ModEventEntityStruct events emitted by IEventEmitterEngines |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Players.PlayerEventsEngine | |
►CIReactOnSwap | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Players.PlayerEventsEngine | |
►CIReadOnlyCollection | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Utility.WeakDictionary< TKey, TValue >.KeyCollection | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Utility.WeakDictionary< TKey, TValue >.ValueCollection | |
►CTechbloxModdingAPI.Tasks.ISchedulable | Interface for asynchronous tasks |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Tasks.Once | An asynchronous task to be performed once. Once constructed, this can be run by scheduling it with Scheduler.Schedule() |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Tasks.Repeatable | An asynchronous repeating task. Once constructed, this can be run by scheduling it with Scheduler.Schedule() |
►CIUnorderedInitializeOnTimeRunningModeEntered | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.App.GameBuildSimEventEngine | |
►CIUnorderedInitializeOnTimeStoppedModeEntered | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.App.GameBuildSimEventEngine | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Utility.Logging | Utility class to access Techblox's built-in logging capabilities. The log is saved to APPDATA%..\LocalLow\FreeJam\Techblox\Player.Log |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Main | The main class of the TechbloxModdingAPI. Use this to initialize the API before calling it |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Utility.ManagedApiExtensions | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Utility.MenuEngineManager | Keeps track of custom menu-modifying engines |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.App.MenuEnteredEnginePatch | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.App.MenuEventArgs | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.App.MenuExitedEnginePatch | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Engines.MenuLoadedEnginePatch | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Engines.MenuSwitchedToPatch | |
►CMultiChoiceError | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.App.DualChoicePrompt | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Utility.NativeApiExtensions | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Utility.OptionalRef< T > | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.PlayerEventArgs | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.PlayerSeatEventArgs | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Persistence.SaveAndLoadCompositionRootPatch | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Persistence.SaveGameEnginePatch | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Tasks.Scheduler | Asynchronous task scheduling for ISchedulables. Asynchronous tasks will not freeze the main program, which makes them ideal for slow or blocking operations which don't need to be completed post-haste. The functionality of this class works in any state |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Persistence.SerializerManager | Keeps track of serializers. This is used to add and retrieve serializers. Added IEntitySerializations are used in serializing and deserializing Techblox save files (GameSave.GC) |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Commands.SimpleCustomCommandEngine< A, B > | A simple implementation of ICustomCommandEngine sufficient for most commands. This version is for commands which take 2 argument(s) |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Commands.SimpleCustomCommandEngine< A > | A simple implementation of ICustomCommandEngine sufficient for most commands. This version is for commands which take 1 argument(s) |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Commands.SimpleCustomCommandEngine | A simple implementation of ICustomCommandEngine sufficient for most commands. This version is for commands which take 0 argument(s) |
►CSingleChoiceError | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.App.SingleChoicePrompt | |
►CSteppableRunner< ExtraLeanSveltoTask< IEnumerator >> | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Tasks.OnGuiRunner | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Tests.TestRoot | API test system root class |
►CTechbloxModdingAPI.Interface.IMGUI.UIElement | GUI Element like a text field, button or picture. This interface is used to wrap many elements from Unity's IMGUI system |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Interface.IMGUI.Button | A clickable button. This wraps Unity's IMGUI Button |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Interface.IMGUI.Group | A group of elements. This wraps Unity's GUILayout Area and GUI Group system |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Interface.IMGUI.Image | An image. This wraps Unity's IMGUI Label |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Interface.IMGUI.Label | A simple text label. This wraps Unity IMGUI's Label |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Interface.IMGUI.Text | A text input field. This wraps Unity's IMGUI TextField and TextArea |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Utility.WeakDictionary< EGID, TechbloxModdingAPI.EcsObjectBase > | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Utility.WeakDictionary< string, TechbloxModdingAPI.Interface.IMGUI.UIElement > | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Utility.WrappedHandler< T > | Wraps the event handler in a try-catch block to avoid propagating exceptions |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Utility.WrappedHandler< TechbloxModdingAPI.App.GameEventArgs > | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Utility.WrappedHandler< TechbloxModdingAPI.App.MenuEventArgs > | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Utility.WrappedHandler< TechbloxModdingAPI.Blocks.Engines.BlockPlacedRemovedEventArgs > | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Utility.WrappedHandler< TechbloxModdingAPI.PlayerEventArgs > | |
CTechbloxModdingAPI.Utility.WrappedHandler< TechbloxModdingAPI.PlayerSeatEventArgs > | |